The State government recently reviewed their mask mandate. Even though restrictions have been reduced, there are still some areas where the wearing of masks are still mandatory. They include: Required in healthcare settings, residential aged care, disability accommodation, on public transport, in prisons, detention centres, airports and on planes Required for visitors to healthcare settings, but…

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Interferential therapy (IFT) is one of the various types of physical therapy used at ProMed Podiatry Clinic. We use this type of therapy in four clinical applications. This type of therapy helps to relieve pain, stimulate muscles, increase local blood flow, and reduce oedema. Your Podiatrist will place electrodes on your skin around the injured body…

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Foot pain diagnosis is all about working out what is causing your pain so we know how to treat it effectively. One of the simplest ways to approach foot pain diagnosis is to start by thinking about where exactly the pain is. From there, we can focus on specific symptoms to work out what is…

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