ProMed Diabetes Foot Care


With Diabetes Week 2019 just around the corner we wanted to focus on foot care for those with Diabetes.

At ProMed we work with clients living with Diabetes on a daily basis, and we wanted to highlight our key tips to keeping safe. We also focus on some warning signs and risks to be aware of – remember, it’s vitally important to keep on top of your health!


ProMed’s Top Foot Care Tips

Check your feet every day.

Look for calluses, blisters, scaling (dry skin), cracks in the skin (especially between toes and on your heels), redness, and swelling. If you can’t turn your leg to see the bottom of your foot, we suggest putting a mirror on the floor and holding your foot above it to check the bottom for trouble spots.

Moisturise every day.

You can avoid dry skin and cracking by using a thick moisturiser on your feet. Rub it in well, but don’t put it between your toes—those dark, moist areas are great hosts for infection. We can provide you with some great products for this!

Try to wear shoes that fit your feet and don’t go bare foot.

Going bare foot exposes your feet to sharp objects in the surrounding environment, increasing your risk of getting cuts or injuries. Germs can enter through the skin breaks and cause an infection. This is especially so for those with a loss of sensation in their feet as they are unable to feel the cut or injury and leave the skin break untreated.

Get checked out regularly

We highly recommend visiting us at ProMed regularly, so we can monitor your condition and stay on top of your foot health. Remember prevention is better than trying to fix the problem!

Key Warning Signs

Always remember to keep an eye out for warning signs the can lead to larger problems, our key areas to look for are.

  • Foot deformities, such as overlapping toes, and bunions, can put you at a greater risk for developing calluses and ulcers (open wounds). Pay extra attention to foot care if you have any of these issues.
  • Wearing ill fitting shoes for a long time can rub or pinch which makes it more likely for a blister or wound to form.
  • Poor circulation means you won’t get enough blood flow to heal wounds, so it will take longer to get well. Some signs of poor circulation include weak pulses in your feet or legs, shiny and hairless skin, and discoloured skin.
  • High blood glucose levels can lead to slow-healing foot wounds and slow the body’s ability to fight infection.

Remember, each person is unique, and our health differs from person to person, always consult the professionals if you are worried!

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