Get to know a little more about our Podiatrist, Sarah Youngson.

1. Where is your favourite travel destination? I really enjoy the slower pace of the Sunshine Coast. I love being around anywhere with a beach.

2. If you could be anyone, who would you be? No-one. I’m pretty content with being me 🙂

3. Favourite Food? I love roast pork, ribs, chocolate, chicken wings. I really love food and have an enormous appetite.

4. If you could be an animal, what would you be? A sloth. I would love to sleep in the trees. I have a 2.5 year old so don’t get much.

5. Interesting fact about Sarah? I met my husband working after school at our local video shop.

What made you want to be a Podiatrist?

I worked for 8.5 years at the Athletes Foot. Working here gave me a good understanding of how important people’s foot health is to them and how having happy, healthy feet can make a big difference to their quality of life. Part of my role was staff training, school lessons, and engaging with health professionals including podiatrists. One of those podiatrist was Raechel, who is now my boss. She really inspired me to take the next step and pursue my podiatry degree. I have been lucky enough to work for her and have her as my mentor since i graduated in 2015. I absolutely love my job and get an enormous amount of job satisfaction out of helping people and empowering people to stay on their feet.


Thanks Sarah. We feel we have a little more insight into who Sarah is now 🙂

To book an appointment with Sarah click here.

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