Foods for Optimal Skin Health
Did you know what you put in your body can have an impact on your skin? Our skin is a reflection of internal health and inflamed or blemished skin can be addressed by making dietary changes. It can also support organs that might be overburdened by environment or diet. These burdens can create an imbalance that can affect skin health and healing ability.
What will I get out of eating healthy-skin foods?
• Clearer, healthier and glowing skin
• Improved wound healing and repair
• Decreased redness and inflammation
• A healthy approach to eating that benefits not only your skin, but whole body
Changes you can make:
– Hydration: Choose filtered water as your predominant drink, aim to consume 1.5 – 2L per day. This ensures
you are flushing through your body and excreting impurities. Drink water at room temperature and try
adding a squeeze of lemon.
– Remove processed and packaged foods
– Concentrate on a diet full of fresh and nutritious foods that are tolerated by your digestion
– Eat foods that are well known for their skin enhancing abilities:
o Nuts and seeds: add to salads, smoothies, main meals or as a snack, provides beneficial minerals
and quality beneficial fatty acids for skin repair and appearance.
o Quality sources of proteins: fish, eggs, legumes for collagen repair and minerals
o Brightly coloured fruit and vegetables providing antioxidants and essential nutrients that will help to
improve the colour and tone of your skin.
Why is it good to eat this way? What the science tells us
– Higher levels of internal antioxidants have been suggested to reduce and delay the negative effects of UV
Radiation (on skin) and support damage repair.
– Your dietary intake can affect hormonal control such as blood sugar (glycaemic) levels which can contribute
to acne and poor skin healing.
– Balanced fat and fibre intake may reduce acne occurrence.
– Plant and fish based oils are shown to be beneficial in psoriasis and eczema
Remember that imbalances in systems like your digestion can affect skin. Let your health practitioner know
if you experience any new or unusual symptoms.
Kasey Boorman
Adapted from Endeavour College of Natural Medicine