January is always a good time of year to think about what you want out of life, relationships, career, your health and more. Although we should be focusing on them all year round it’s a good chance to start fresh and set up some goals. Many resolutions that are made set us up for failure as they are not clear or achievable. It’s also helpful to have it written down and placed in a spot that is visible to you to keep you on track (fridge, beside your bed etc). Often by February we have already forgotten about our new year goals!

While the questions below may not all apply to you, I found them to be quite thought provoking and a great place to start. Answer as many or as little of these questions as you like but I found them quite useful to get me thinking about what I want from a variety of different areas of life. If you have any tips or would like to share some goals, I would love to hear from you!

Career & Business Goals

What would you like to achieve in your career?
What type of roles do you want to be doing in your career?
What would you like to achieve in your business life?

Family Goals

What would you like to achieve as a family in the next 12 months?
What would you like to do for your family?
What type of person are you going to become for your family?

Community Goals

What would you like to contribute to your community?
What would like to do for your friends in the next 12 months?
What activities would you like to be a part of in your community?

Financial Goals

How much money do you want to earn in the next 12 months?
How much money do you want to save or invest in the next 12 months?
Which debts do you want to clear in the next 12 months?
What personal financial circumstances do you want to change and how will you do this?

Health & Fitness Goals

How fit and healthy would you like to be in the next 12 months?

What is your fitness goal for this year? Be specific here. E.g. Be able to run 5km in 30 minutes. Reduce my waist measurements by 5cm.
What are some of the fitness activities you would like to pursue?
What eating or drinking habits would you like to change? E.g. swap afternoon snack of biscuits for nuts, only eat take-away once per week instead of three times per week etc.
What foods would you like to include more of in your diet and why?
What foods would you like to decrease in your diet?

Personal Development Goals

What activities are you going to do in the next 12 months to develop your skills, knowledge and attitude?
What courses are you going to do to improve yourself?
What do you want to do to become a better person?

Adventure Goals

What type of holiday would you like to take?
What type of adventure activity would you like to do?

Lifestyle Goals

What are you going to do just for you?
What rewards are you going to give you or your family?
What revitalises you, gives you energy and recharges your batteries? How often will you fit this into your schedule each week?
What can you do to keep a positive mindset?

Now that you have an idea of what you want out of the next 12 months ensure you come up with small, achievable steps to get there. The good old saying failing to prepare is preparing to fail rings true. Make sure you know how you are going to get to that goal and find ways to stay motivated on your journey. We know you can do it!

Kasey Boorman

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