Your feet hold you up. There isn’t a doubt about that
Problem is, with all the million other things you have going on in your life, it’s easy to forget to look down sometimes. That is to say, giving your feet a little TLC.
Your foot care is essential to the overall health and well-being of the rest of your body. Healthy feet often reflect preventative action to conditions such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, arthritis and depression.
Visiting your dentist or optometrist every year is a widely accepted must. An annual foot health assessment is no different given how it is essential in a healthy lifestyle.
If you care about your health, it’s time to check your feet.
Also known as a foot health check, a foot health assessment is carried out by a professional podiatrist who will examine the condition of your feet. From assessing your movements to the shape and structure of your feet, your podiatrist will help draw up a custom solution to optimise your foot health in effort to prevent foot pain and issues.
An annual foot health assessment is seen as a preventative measure on top of maintaining healthy feet. By staying on top of your foot health, you can save time, money, pain and frustration that comes with foot injury rehabilitation as a result of late discovery.
A detailed dermatological skin and toenail check is carried out by your podiatrist as these may reveal an underlying medical issue. A footwear assessment is also conducted where your podiatrist will make recommendations for maximum comfort and support based on your feet type. If you already wear orthotics, your podiatrist will provide an update as to whether your orthotic footwear is giving you the support you need.
Other assessments include a vascular assessment which looks into your lower limb blood flow and circulation, a biomechanical assessment which looks into the way your joints and muscles move as you stand, walk and run. During your foot health assessment, your health and fitness goals are established whereby foot health care advice will be given based on your lifestyle, activities and your foot type.
If you have private health insurance that covers podiatry, an annual foot health check will help you get the most out of your fund and avoid unused rebates expiring at the end of the year.
One of our expert Gold Coast podiatrists will review both your personal and medical history as well as your current activity levels.
Your podiatrist will carry out a footwear assessment, as well as any orthotic footwear or prescribed devices.
A detailed dermatological examination of your skin and toenails is carried out to identify any underlying medical conditions.
Your podiatrist will analyse your joint and muscle movement as you sit, stand and walk.
An analysis into the blood flow and circulation of your lower limbs will help your podiatrist diagnose and monitor Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD).
You will receive a custom treatment plan on caring for your feet and lower limbs, to optimise overall health and prevent future pain and injury.
Review your footwear or orthotics to ensure optimised foot health care.
Just like yearly dental and eye checks, regular foot health assessments help prevent pain and injury.
Untreated medical issues can result in permanent conditions.
Foot injury rehab can be tedious, expensive and frustrating.
Avoid unused rebates expiring at the end of the year.