We consider you part of the ProMed family and your health and safety remain our highest priority. We are still open yet have put a number of processes in place.

As the global coronavirus (COVID-19) situation evolves, we want to share with you some important information about the steps we’re taking to minimise the risk of exposure to you (our patients), our staff and the greater community.

Despite the many logistics currently facing the medical industry, we can assure you that our clinic is fully equipped with Personal Protective Equipment (such as masks, gloves and aprons) and are operating as normal.

In response to the COVID-19 Virus, we have implemented several new strategies to keep you, your family and our Team safe and healthy. These strategies include:

  • Home visit services,
  • Saturday clinics,
  • Changes in appointment times,
  • Changes in team rosters
  • Social distancing rules within the clinic,
  • Infection Control standards

Please read the following information carefully.


Home Visits:

We are offering Home visit services for our clients who need to self-isolate due to vulnerability or immune-compromise.

As you can understand, we can only provide limited services in the home environment due to our inability to bring larger equipment items to your home. We will be providing services including:

  • General foot care
  • Biomechanical services
  • Footwear assessments
  • Parrafin wax treatments
  • Magnesium soaks
  • Diabetes assessments (with minor limitations)
  • Orthotic therapy (casting/scanning)
  • Pain Consultations (with minor limitations).

Due to extra travel expenses home visits will incur an additional $15 charge. If we are seeing 2 people at the one residence, a single $15 fee will be charged.

Home Visit Criteria:

Home visits will be provided to patients in the following circumstances:

  • Over 60 years of age
  • Suffering a chronic illness and are immune compromised
  • Caring for someone who has a chronic illness and are immune compromised
  • Live within a 10km service radius of the clinic

Infection control for Home visits:

  • Your Podiatrist will put on a mask prior to entering your premises
  • Once inside hand sanitiser will be used
  • Gloves, masks and aprons will be worn for the duration of the treatment.

Home visits will not be provided if you:

  • Have a fever
  • Have a cough
  • Have cold or flu like symptoms
  • Have travelled overseas in the past 14 days
  • Or have recently been in contact with or at risk of COVID-19 virus.

We do ask for your honesty in providing accurate essential information and consider the safety and health outcomes of our treating podiatrists.

If you do not fit these criteria and feel you require a home visit service, please contact our clinic and we will take individual cases under consideration.

Saturday Clinics

From 4 April, 2020 we are opening a Saturday clinic. The hours are 8am to 4:30pm. This is to cater for the reduced appointment availability during the week due to precautionary limits of 2 available podiatrists each day. For the moment Raechel and Vanessa will be available on a Saturday.

Appointment Times

To abide by the new social distancing rules set by the government on Friday 20th March, we are alternating our appointment times. There will only be 2 podiatrists available per day. One Podiatrist appointment times will be on the hour and half hour. The other podiatrist will have appointments on the quarter past the hour and quarter to the hour. This will mean that you will not have contact with any other client attending our clinic. You will be contacted regarding your new appointment times if these changes affect you.  Upon arrival please call us to notify us of your arrival and wait outside until our reception team collects you. This is to ensure minimal contact with any other patients/staff. Please pay via pay pass where possible (no cash). No signing of private health fund rebates are required during this time.

If you need to cancel or change an appointment, we ask if you could give reasonable notice, at least 24 hours’ notice, as we will need to offer the appointment to other people on the waiting list.

Team Roster Changes

As a precaution we have reduced the number of team members working together. It is precautionary but a necessary measure to ensure we can keep serving you during this time of uncertainty.

The roster and teams are as follows:

Team A:

Days:                     Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays

Podiatrist:           Sarah Youngson, Janine Frampton

Admin:                 Kasey Boorman

Clinic Hours:       8am – 5:30pm

Home Visits:       Janine will be providing home visits on a Tuesday

Team B:

Days:                     Tuesday, Wednesday & Saturdays

Podiatrist:           Raechel Farquharson, Vanessa Diep

Admin:                 Christine Fisher

Clinic Hours:       8am – 5:30pm

Home Visits:       Vanessa will be providing home visits on a Thursday

Extra home visit days will be considered as the need arises.


Infection Control

ProMed has always strived to reach the highest standards of infection control and sterilisation which are compliant with the Australian Standards. This ensures that our facilities are cleaned and disinfected at all times. In addition to our already strict-hygiene protocols, to ensure that our facilities are clean and hygienic environments for everyone, we have implemented the following measures:

  • Our Admin team will open the Clinic door for you on entry and exit. The only person therefore touching the door is our Team.
  • The door handle on the inside and out will be wiped with disinfectant regularly.
  • On entry to ProMed, you will be provided with hand sanitiser prior to entering the podiatry room.
  • Our Podiatry Team will be closing and opening doors within the clinic for you.
  • You will only be in contact with the treatment chair which is thoroughly cleaned with disinfectant between each treatment.
  • At reception, our admin team will be wearing disposable gloves for contact with your cards.
  • The EFTPOS/HICAPS terminal and reception desk will be wiped with disinfectant on your departure.
  • All waiting room surfaces will be carefully and regularly wiped with disinfectant wipes


As per the current guidelines, we ask that you do not attend the clinic if you are experiencing the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Cold and flu like symptoms
  • Or have travelled overseas in the past 14 days
  • Or have recently been in contact with or at risk of COVID-19 virus.


We are working hard to provide a safe environment for you, your family and our Team. We are following all health directives from the World Health Organisation, the Australian Government, Queensland Health and the Australian Podiatry Association in reducing transmission risks and this will be assessed daily. We will keep you informed as to any developments regarding the situation.

Our friendly team is here for you to address any concerns you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time on 5522 1230.


Wishing you all the best in health


Raechel & The ProMed Team


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