Masks Update – Mandatory in Health Care Settings
The State government recently reviewed their mask mandate. Even though restrictions have been reduced, there are still some areas where the wearing of masks are still mandatory. They include:
- Required in healthcare settings, residential aged care, disability accommodation, on public transport, in prisons, detention centres, airports and on planes
- Required for visitors to healthcare settings, but mask may be removed while undergoing a face-to-face service (as determined by your healthcare provider)
- Required when on public transport or its platform/terminal, or when in or waiting for a taxi, rideshare vehicle or commercial shuttle
- Required outside of your home or accommodation if you have a temperature equal to or higher than 37.5 degrees, or if you have COVID-19 symptoms, or if you’re awaiting a COVID-19 PCR test result
- Required if you’re diagnosed with COVID-19, are a close contact, or are an international traveler (in accordance with other public health directions).
Masks are no longer required in schools, including for staff, students and visitors.
Masks are still recommended whenever you can’t socially distance.
Children under 12 years and people affected by a medical condition or disability do not have to wear a face mask. See exceptions from wearing face masks.
For further information click this link: Queensland Government Mandatory Masks
We ask that you are considerate of other patients in our clinic who are high risk of contracting COVID including:
- Patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy
- Patients with medical conditions that suppress their immune system
- The Elderly
Please be aware that some of our patients do have medical exemptions for mask wearing.
Our priority is putting the safety and care of our patients first. Continued focus on cleaning, social distancing and mask wearing is undertaken at all times.
We appreciate your support and understanding complying with this State Government Mandate and for your consideration for patients at risk.
Masks are available in the clinic for convenience.
Wishing everyone a healthy time ahead
The ProMed Podiatry Team