Gold Coast foot clinic

Have you ever experienced a piercing, burning pain at the bottom of your foot? If so, it’s possible you could be suffering from plantar fasciitis which is a form of heel pain.

Plantar fasciitis is a form of heel pain caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is the band of tissue that runs along the sole of your foot and connects your heel to your toes. In most cases, plantar fasciitis kicks in first thing in the morning or after waking from a nap, and gradually becomes more painful as time goes by.

Let’s get some more detail on heel pain or planter fasciitis

What causes plantar fasciitis?

For most people plantar fasciitis is caused by aging, weight gain or excess weight, wearing the wrong type of shoes, and exercising more frequently or for longer intervals. Those who have high arches or flat feet can also be affected.

What can help prevent plantar fasciitis?

Since plantar fasciitis is often caused by wearing poorly-fitting shoes, most people can feel relief after wearing shoes that help stabilize their heels.

If your heels hurt when wearing certain shoes, press down on the back of your shoe near the heel to verify that the shoe is firm enough to stabilize your heel. If not, buy heel cup inserts or buy a new pair of shoes that fit more comfortably. At ProMed can help you choose the right inserts.

Stretching your foot can help ease and relieve aches and pains associated with the foot condition. Watch this video if you’d like some easy stretches.

How do you treat plantar fasciitis?

If wearing new shoes doesn’t help your heel pain then make an appointment to see us at ProMed as soon as possible. We can fully assess your heel pain to verify whether you’re experiencing plantar fasciitis or another foot problem, and prescribe the necessary course of treatment. Possible treatment options include custom orthotics, non-steroidal medications and/or cortisone injections. In severe cases, sometimes surgery can’t be avoided.

When should I see an expert?

Essentially if you experience a huge amount of pain, you should book in to see us straight away. It’s your body’s way of saying something wrong and you need to sort this ASAP. It’s always better to be safe than sorry and tackle the issue before you experience a complete rupture of plantar fascia.

If you need to book, contact us today and let’s chat about heel pain. 

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