Top tips to keep your feet happy at home
During these uncertain times you may be finding it difficult to come in for your regular podiatry care. At Promed Podiatry we have taken lots of measures to ensure we can continue safely caring for our valued clients. In the mean time, there are still lots of things you can do to take good care of your feet. This is important for all of us and especially people with underlying medical conditions such as diabetes.
• Wash your feet every day with a mild soap and warm water for 20 seconds*.
• Dry your feet well including between your toes*.
• Moisturise your feet, including underneath, every day. You may find it best to do this before bed to prevent slippery feet.
• Wash your socks on a hot cycle, at least 60 degrees, to help kill any pathogens that may be present in your socks.
Checking shoes:
With the cooler weather on its way and lots of us doing more exercise during lock down we are beginning to wear more enclosed footwear. If your winter shoes haven’t been used since last year it is important to check that they are still in good condition. Some shoes will peel or crumble after extended periods in the closet. Check that the bottom of the shoes is not balding or worn through as this may present a slip hazard. It is also important to make sure there is plenty of room around the toes. As adults we have certainly stopped growing but our feet can get longer, wider, skinnier or thicker with time so you may find your shoe size has changed. Try them on with the socks you would use. You should be able to wriggle your toes around freely with a thumb nails width between your longest toe and the end of the shoe. It is also important that they are not too tight on tops of the toes or the sides of the toes. Incorrectly fitting shoes are often the cause of curling nails, ingrowing nails, corns and calluses as well as foot pain. If you are unsure, bring them with you to your next podiatry appointment so your podiatrist can review them for you.
*If you have difficulty reaching your feet to consider long handled devices that can assist you with putting shoes on, washing/drying your feet and checking your feet. Many of these can be found in your local chemist or in our clinic.