Having a healthy snack on hand that will give you a burst of energy will help ward off cravings and will reduce moodiness and fluctuations in blood sugar levels. These yummy energy balls can be frozen so  you can keep a stash in the freezer. They do not use many ingredients and are fairly cheap and easy to make. They are a great option for the over 65’s (or anyone!) to enjoy with a cup of tea or healthy dessert.



· 1 cup raw almonds

· ½ cup desiccated coconut

· 1 cup frozen raspberries

· 3 medjool dates seeds removed


1. Blitz the almonds in food processor/blender of choice. (Whether you blitz to a fine powder of leave them a little crunchier is up to you.)

2. Add remaining ingredients to food processor/blender and blitz. You may need to stop and scrape down sides of dish then continue to blitz further.

3. Once well combined, roll into balls

4. Pop in fridge or freezer to set.


Kasey Boorman


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