ProMed Podiatry Clinic is excited to announce that we have acquired a SWIFT Microwave Therapy machine for the specific treatment of warts, plantar warts and verrucae. It is the new Gold Standard therapy in wart treatment. It is non-invasive with no down time or wound dressings and has an 83% success rate.

Warts are highly contagious, unsightly and can be very painful. The lesions can impact physically and emotionally on you. Traditional wart therapies require weekly reviews, regular dressings, home therapies and are generally very uncomfortable for days after the treatment. Living on the Gold Coast where beaches and swimming are a primary past time, keeping a dressing on and dry after a traditional wart treatment can prove a difficult task and can result in poor outcomes.

The benefits of SWIFT Microwave Therapy include:

  • Rapid treatment time
    Pain relief post treatment
  • Non-invasive
  • Few treatments required
  • No dressings required
  • No need for self-care
  • Highly effective with an 83% success rate Minimal pain during procedure

What is SWIFT Therapy?

SWIFT is a medical microwave technology that is highly effective in resolving warts, verrucae or papillomas. A focused microwave signal is emitted into the skin to a predetermined depth to ensure only the wart is treated. A process called Heat Shock occurs within infected skin cells. This causes the wart to release certain proteins into the circulatory system, allowing the immune system to recognise the infection and begin to fight the virus.

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How safe are microwaves?

Microwaves are a form of non-ionising radiation, which means that they cannot cause damage to the DNA of living tissue. SWIFT uses very low energy levels that are only able to vibrate water molecules within the cells.

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Will I feel anything?

The rapid heating of the wart to 42-45°C can cause discomfort, however this lasts for only a second. This temperature range is merely a few degrees warmer than a hot bath and will not cause any serious tissue damage or scarring.

How many treatments will I need?

This is dependent on how you respond to treatment. Most patients require 3 treatments or less.

Can anyone receive this treatment?

With a few exceptions, most people with skin lesions would be able to have this treatment. Your ProMed Podiatrist will carry out an assessment prior to treatment and be able to advise you on this.

If you, a family member or a friend is suffering with stubborn wart/verrucae please contact our friendly ProMed team for a SWIFT Microwave Therapy Assessment today on 07 5522 1230 or book online.


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